Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

I am most aware Excellency Cao treats me with generosity, but I received General Liu's generosity and kindness, swore to die together, and so I cannot betray him. In the end, I cannot stay. I shall establish merits as to repay Excellency Cao, then leave.
~ Guan Yu

Guan Yu 關羽 was a prominent general who served Liu Bei. He was famous for his bravery and loyalty, but also his arrogance and rudeness. He is the first general commonly associated with the Five Tiger Generals.


Early years[]

Guan Yu was from Xie County, Hedong Commandery. His original courtesy name was Changsheng, which was later changed into Yunchang.[1] Guan Yu was known to be a studious man. He enjoyed reading the Zuo Chuan and was able to recite passages from it very fluently.[2] At some point, he was on the run from the government of Hedong Commandery and fled into Zhuo Commandery, where he joined Liu Bei's army. Guan Yu became very close with Liu Bei and another follower named Zhang Fei, to the point where they shared a bed and had a bond akin to brothers. Whenever there were crowds of people in a large gathering hosted by Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei attended Liu Bei throughout the entire day. Whenever Liu Bei went somewhere, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would always follow, never deterred by difficulty or danger.[3]

Guan Yu was part of Liu Bei's force that assisted Cao Cao in sieging Xiapi in late 198/early 199. Guan Yu was interested in the wife of Qin Yilu, one of Lü Bu's generals, and constantly asked Cao Cao permission to claim her after the siege. However, Cao Cao secretly met the wife and took her for himself, frustrating Guan Yu.[4]

It is said that while Guan Yu and Liu Bei were in Xuchang with Cao Cao, Guan Yu urged Liu Bei to assassinate Cao Cao at a hunt after most of his men left. Liu Bei disagreed and did not follow through.[n 1][5]

Joining and leaving Cao Cao[]

In 199, Liu Bei rebelled against Cao Cao and claimed Xu province for himself. Guan Yu was said to have either became acting Grand Administrator of Xiapi or acting Inspector of Xu province.[6] The next year, Cao Cao overcame Liu Bei and captured Guan Yu. Guan Yu it seems had no opposition in joining Cao Cao. Cao Cao treated him well. Cao Cao knew that Guan Yu was very close with Liu Bei and that he wanted to return, so he told Zhang Liao, "Sir, try to use your rapport to ask him why he feels this way." Zhang Liao relayed the question to Guan Yu, who replied, "I am most aware Excellency Cao treats me with generosity, but I received General Liu's generosity and kindness, swore to die together, and so I cannot betray him. In the end, I cannot stay. I shall establish merits as to repay Excellency Cao, then leave." Cao Cao admired such a statement, saying, "Serving one's lord and not forgetting their roots is a righteous person of the world! When do you estimate he will depart?" Zhang Liao said, "Guan Yu received the Excellency's kindness. He'll surely establish merits to repay you, sire, and afterwards depart."[7] Later, Guan Yu was sent to assist Zhang Liao against the forces of Yan Liang that sieged Baima. When Guan Yu saw Yan Liang's banner, he rushed his horse into Yan Liang's area, beheaded the general, and left. None of Yan Liang's soldiers made serious attempt to stop Guan Yu and they soon retreated. Cao Cao thus petitioned Guan Yu to be enfeoffed as Marquis of Hanshou District (漢壽亭侯; Hànshòu tíng hóu). Guan Yu was given many gifts by Cao Cao, but had them all sealed off. He also sent a letter expressing his leave to Cao Cao. When Cao Cao's attendant suggested that they capture Guan Yu, Cao Cao said, "Each person is for their lord. Do not pursue!"[8][n 2]

Guan Yu followed Liu Bei into Jing province, but after Cao Cao took most of it in 208, Liu Bei sent Guan Yu to lead hundreds of boats and go to Jiangling, while he went to cross the Yangzi river from Fan 樊. Guan Yu would meet with Liu Bei at Xiakou 夏口 and sailed off.[9] An annoyed Guan Yu stated to Liu Bei, "That past day during the hunt, had you followed my words [and assassinated Cao Cao], we would not be in our current predicament!" Liu Bei retorted, "At the time, I also, for the empire, was unwilling to kill him, that's all. If Heaven's Way assists the correct, how would I know that [killing Cao Cao] would not be to our fortune?"[5]


Chen Shou commented this about Guan Yu. "Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are both praised as a foe for ten thousand and their generation's fierce servants. Yu repaid Excellency Cao; Fei righteously released Yan Yan. They both had the style of a nation's hero. However, Yu was headstrong and self-important; Fei was violent and without kindness. With their faults achieving defeat, it is a constant of logic."[10]


It is said that around 264, Guan Yu's descendants were all massacred by Pang Hui, who was Pang De's son.[11]


  1. Your servant, Songzhi, considers that Bei later, with Dong Cheng and the others, together plotted, but that the matter leaked and so he could not succeed, that's all. If he was unwilling to kill him for the empire, then how could his plot be in accordance with his words? If Yu indeed had urged and that Bei was unwilling to follow, it was that be that because Excellency Cao's chest and heart relatives were a large number of people, it would be matters without planning and preparations, so he could not be rash in acting. If he killed Cao, he certainly would not escape, hence his plan ended. How can he be unwilling to kill over this? This was a past event, hence he pretended to use elegant words, that's all.
  2. Your servant, Songzhi, believes that Excellency Cao knew Guan Yu would not stay yet in his heart praised that will. Upon Yu's departure, he did not send pursuers, which helped Yu achieve righteousness. If not for him possessing a kingly hegemon's tolerance, who can go as far to do this? This was truly Lord Cao's greatness!

Fact vs. Fiction[]


  • …The Oath at Peach Garden did not take place.
  • …Guan Yu was not a sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.
  • …Though there is some room for debate, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei did not participate in the Campaign against Dong Zhuo.
  • …Did not slay Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong was killed in battle with Sun Jian.
  • …Did not hang the seal of Hanshou District. He actually still claimed the title in his last years.
  • …Did not slay Wen Chou. Wen Chou died in battle with Cao Cao.
  • …Did not have to slay six generals at five passes to escape Cao Cao. Guan Yu was permitted to leave.
  • …The Five Tiger Generals did not exist historically.
  • …The flooding of Fan Castle was not Guan Yu's stratagem. It was a natural occurrence.
  • …Was destroyed by an ill Lü Meng, not by one who pretended to be ill.


  1. SGZ: Biography of Guan Yu 『關羽字雲長,本字長生,河東解人也。』Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  2. 《江表傳》 『羽好左氏傳,諷誦略皆上口。』Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  3. SGZ: Biography of Guan Yu 『亡命奔涿郡。先主於鄉里合徒眾,而羽與張飛為之禦侮。先主為平原相,以羽、飛為別部司馬,分統部曲。先主與二人寢則同床,恩若兄弟。而稠人廣坐,侍立終日,隨先主周旋,不避艱險。』Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  4. 《蜀記》 『曹公與劉備圍呂布於下邳,關羽啟公,布使秦宜祿行求救,乞娶其妻,公許之。臨破,又屢啟於公。公疑其有異色,先遣迎看,因自留之,羽心不自安。』Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
    The 魏氏春秋 also gives the same information according to Pei Songzhi.
  5. 5.0 5.1 《蜀記》曰:初,劉備在許,與曹公共獵。獵中,衆散,羽勸備殺公,備不從。及在夏口,飄颻江渚,羽怒曰:「往日獵中,若從羽言,可無今日之困。」備曰:「是時亦為國家惜之耳;若天道輔正,安知此不為福邪!」Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  6. 先主之襲殺徐州刺史車冑,使羽守下邳城,行太守事,(《魏書》云:以羽領徐州。)而身還小沛。Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  7. 《傅子》曰:遼欲白太祖,恐太祖殺羽,不白非事君之道,乃歎曰:「公,君父也;羽,兄弟耳。」遂白之。太祖曰:「事君不忘其本,天下義士也。度何時能去?」遼曰:「羽受公恩,必立效報公而後去也。」Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  8. 建安五年,曹公東征,先主奔袁紹。曹公禽羽以歸,拜為偏將軍,禮之甚厚。紹遣大將軍顏良攻東郡太守劉延於白馬,曹公使張遼及羽為先鋒擊之。羽望見良麾蓋,策馬刺良於萬衆之中,斬其首還,紹諸將莫能當者,遂解白馬圍。曹公即表封羽為漢壽亭侯。初,曹公壯羽為人,而察其心神無久留之意,謂張遼曰:「卿試以情問之。」旣而遼以問羽,羽歎曰:「吾極知曹公待我厚,然吾受劉將軍厚恩,誓以共死,不可背之。吾終不留,吾要當立效以報曹公乃去。」遼以羽言報曹公,曹公義之。及羽殺顏良,曹公知其必去,重加賞賜。羽盡封其所賜,拜書告辭,而奔先主於袁軍。左右欲追之,曹公曰:「彼各為其主,勿追也。」Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  9. 從先主就劉表。表卒,曹公定荊州,先主自樊將南渡江,別遣羽乘船數百艘會江陵。曹公追至當陽長阪,先主斜趣漢津,適與羽船相值,共至夏口。Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  10. 關羽、張飛皆稱萬人之敵,為世虎臣。羽報效曹公,飛義釋嚴顏,並有國士之風。然羽剛而自矜,飛暴而無恩,以短取敗,理數之常也。Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  11. 《蜀記》曰:龐德子會,隨鍾、鄧伐蜀,蜀破,盡滅關氏家。Chen Shou, Pei Songzhi. "Biography of Guan Yu" in the Annotations to the Records of the Three Kingdoms

