- This is a list of all titles appointed to men and women during the Three Kingdoms period, as well as Later Han and Western Jin dynasties.
- běijūn zhōnghóu 北軍中侯 [Adjutant of the Northern Army]
- biébù sīmǎ 别部司馬 [Senior Major (Major with a Separate Command)]
- biéjià cóngshì 别駕從事 [Attendant Officer]
- bùpīng 步兵 [Regiment of Footsoldiers]
- cān jūnshì 参軍事 [Adviser to the Army]
- cóngshì 從事 [Assistant Officer (Attendant Clerk)]
- dà dūdū 大都督 [Grand Marshal]
- dà jiāngjūn 大將軍 [Chief-General]
- dà sīmǎ 大司馬 [Grand Marshal (Commander-in-Chief)]
- dū 督 [Commander]
- dūdū 都督 [Chief Controller]
- duìshuài 隊率 [Lieutenant]
- dūwèi 都尉 [Commandant]
- fùjí dūwèi 鮒騎都尉 [Commandant of Attendant Cavalry (Chief Commandant)]
- fèngjū dūwèi 奉車都尉 [Commandant of the Equipage (Chief Commandant; Commandant of Imperial Carriages)]
- jí dūwèi 騎都尉 [Commandant of Cavalry (Chief Commandant)]
- túnjí dūwèi 屯騎都尉 [Commandant of the Garrison Cavalry]
- gōngcáo 功曹 [Officer of Merit (Officer of the Bureau; Department of Merit)]
- hòu 候 [Captain]
- hǔbēn 虎賁 [Rapid as Tigers (an imperial guards unit)]
- hùjūn 護軍 [Protector of the Army]
- jiàngbīng chǎngshǐ 將兵長史 [Chief Clerk in Command of Troops]
- jiāngjūn 將軍 [General]
- ānběi jiāngjūn 安北將軍 [General Who Gives Tranquility to the North]
- āndōng jiāngjūn 安東將軍 [General Who Gives Tranquility to the East]
- ānnán jiāngjūn 安南將軍 [General Who Gives Tranquility to the South]
- ānxī jiāngjūn 安西將軍 [General Who Gives Tranquility to the West]
- dù-Liáo jiāngjūn 度遼將軍 [General on the Liao (General Who Crosses the Liao River; General with Trans-Liao Command)
- zuǒ dù-Liáo jiāngjūn 左度遼將軍 [General on the Liao on the Left]
- fǔ-Hàn jiāngjūn 輔漢將軍 [General Who Supports the Han]
- fǔguó jiāngjūn 輔國將軍 [General Who Supports the State]
- hòu jiāngjūn 候將軍 [General of the Rear]
- hùjūn jiāngjūn 護軍將軍 [General Protector of the Army]
- jūjì jiāngjūn 車騎將軍 [General of Chariots and Cavalry]
- lǐngjūn jiāngjūn 領軍將軍 [General Who Commands the Army]
- pì jiàngjūn 裨將軍 [Major-General]
- piān jiāngjūn 偏將軍 [Lieutenant-General]
- piāojí jiāngjūn 驃騎將軍 [General of Agile Cavalry]
- píngběi jiāngjūn 平北將軍 [General Who Pacifies the North]
- píngdōng jiāngjūn 平東將軍 [General Who Pacifies the East]
- píngnán jiāngjūn 平南將軍 [General Who Pacifies the South]
- píngxī jiāngjūn 平西將軍 [General Who Pacifies the West]
- pòlǔ jiāngjūn 破虜將軍 [General Who Smashes the Caitiffs]
- qián jiāngjūn 前將軍 [General of the Van]
- tǎonì jiāngjūn 討逆將軍 [General Who Exterminates Rebels]
- xiàlì jiāngjūn 下厲將軍 [General Who Brings Down Severity]
- wèi jiāngjūn 衛將軍 [General of the Guards (General of Defence)]
- wǔwēi jiāngjūn 武威將軍 [General Who is Firm and Majestic]
- yámén jiàngjūn 牙門將軍 [General of the Standard]
- yòu jiāngjūn 右將軍 [General on the Right]
- fúbō jiāngjūn 伏波將軍 [General Who Calms the Waves]
- gēchuán jiāngjūn 戈船將軍 [General of the Pole-ax Ships]
- lóuchuán jiāngjūn 樓船將軍 [General of the Towering Ships]
- zhēngběi jiāngjūn 征北將軍 [General Who Subdues the North]
- zhēngdōng jiāngjūn 征東將軍 [General Who Subdues the East]
- zhēngnán jiāngjūn 征南將軍 [General Who Subdues the South]
- zhēngxī jiāngjūn 征西將軍 [General Who Subdues the West]
- zhèndōng jiāngjūn 鎮東將軍 [General Who Maintains the East in Peace]
- zhènxī jiāngjūn 鎮西將軍 [General Who Maintains the West in Peace]
- zhènyuǎn jiāngjūn 鎮遠將軍 [General Who Maintains Distant Lands in Peace]
- zuǒ jiāngjūn 左將軍 [General on the Left]
- jìlì 計吏 [Reporting Officer (Official in Charge of Accounts)]
- jūn sīmǎ 軍司馬 [Major]
- shénzhǎng 什長 [Sergeant]
- sīmǎ 司馬 [Major]
- wèi 尉 [county commandant]
- wǔzhǎng 五長 [Corporal]
- xiàowèi 校尉 [Colonel]
- chéngmén xiàowèi 城門校尉 [Colonel of the City Gates]
- diǎnjūn xiàowèi 典軍校尉 [Colonel Who Arranges the Army]
- fù xiàowèi 副校尉 [Senior Colonel]
- hù-Qiāng xiàowèi 護羌校尉 [Protector of the Qiang (Colonel Protecting the Qiang; Colonel Protector)]
- hù-Wūhuán xiàowèi 護烏桓校尉 [Protector of the Wuhuan (Colonel Protecting the Wuhuan; Colonel Protector)]
- shàngjūn xiàowèi 上軍校尉 [Colonel of the First Army]
- sīlì xiàowèi 司隸校尉 [Director of Retainers (Colonel Director of Retainers; Colonel of International Security)]
- tǎolǔ xiàowèi 討虜校尉 [Colonel Who Exterminates Caitiffs]
- wùjǐ xiàowèi 戊己校尉 [Wu and Ji Colonels]
- xiàjūn xiàowèi 下軍校尉 [Colonel of the Third Army]
- yòujūn xiàowèi 右軍校尉 [Colonel of the Right]
- zhōngjūn xiàowèi 中軍校尉 [Colonel of the Centre Army]
- zhùjūn yòu xiàowèi 助軍右校尉 [Colonel of the Right Assisting the Army]
- zhùjūn zuǒ xiàowèi 助軍左校尉 [Colonel of the Left Assisting the Army]
- zuǒjūn xiàowèi 佐軍校尉 [Colonel of the Left]
- xíng dù-Liáo jiāngjūn 行度遼將軍 [Acting General on the Liao]
- xīyù dūhù 西域都護 [Protector-General of the Western Regions]
- yuèjí 越騎 [Elite Cavalry Regiment (Picked Cavalry)]
- yǔlín 羽林 [Feathered Forest (imperial guards unit)]
- zhǎngshǐ 長史 [Chief Clerk]
- zhōngláng jiāng 中郎將 [General of the Household]
- běi zhōngláng jiāng 北中郎將 [General of the Household of the North]
- dàngkòu zhōngláng jiāng 盪寇中郎將 [General of the Household Who Defeats Rebels]
- hù-Wūhuán láng jiāng 護烏桓郎將 [General of the Household Protecting the Wuhuan]
- hǔbēn zhōngláng jiāng 虎賁中郎將 [General of the Household Rapid as Tigers]
- nán zhōngláng jiāng 南中郎將 [General of the Household of the South]
- shǐ Xiōngnú zhōngláng jiāng 使匈奴中郎將 [Emissary to the Xiongnu (General of the Gentlemen of the Household in Charge of the Xiongnu]
- shǐ zhíjié 使持節 [Emissary Bearing the Staff of Authority] [x 1]
- wǔguān zhōngláng jiāng 五官中郎將 [General of the Household for All Purposes]
- yòu zhōngláng jiāng 右中郎將 [General of the Household of the Right]
- zuǒ zhōngláng jiāng 左中郎將 [General of the Household of the Left]
- zhōngwèi 中尉 [Commandant of the Capital (Superintendent of the Capital)]
- Chǎnglè shǎofǔ 長樂少府 [Steward of the Changle Palace (Privy Treasurer)]
- Chǎnglè tàipú 長樂太僕 [Coachman of the Changle Palace]
- Chǎnglè wèiwèi 長樂衛尉 [Commandant of the Guards of the Changle Palace (Superintendent)]
- cháotíng hóu 朝廷侯 [Marquis at Court]
- guānnèi hóu 關內侯 [secondary marquis (Marquis Within the Passes or Marquis Within the Imperial Domain or Noble of the Interior or Lesser Marquis)]
- shìcí hóu 侍祠侯 [Marquis Attending Sacrifices]
- chéngxiàng 丞相 [Imperial Chancellor (Chancellor)]
- chíxíng 弛刑 [convict with a commuted sentence]
- cìshǐ 刺史 [Inspector]
- dà chǎngqiū 大長秋 [Grand Prolonger of Autumn (Empress' chamberlain)]
- dà jiāngjūn 大將軍 [General-in-Chief]
- dà sīkōng 大司空 [Excellency of Works (Grand Excellency of Works)]
- dà sītú 大司徒 [Excellency over the Masses (Grand Excellency over the Masses)]
- dōutíng hóu 都亭侯 [Marquis of a Chief Village]
- dàfū 大夫 [Counsellor]
- dūyóu 都郵 [Investigator]
- fèngcháo qǐng 奉朝請 [Servant at [the Spring and Autumn] Court]
- fú 傅 [Tutor]
- fújié lìng 符節令 [Prefect of Insignia and Credentials]
- gōng 公 [Duke]
- gōngjū sīmǎ lìng 公車司馬令 [Prefect of the Majors for Official Carriages]
- gōngzhǔ 公主 [Princess]
- gōushùn lìng 鉤盾令 [Prefect of the Palace Gardens (Prefect Intendant of the Imperial Palace Gardens)]
- guānglù dàfū 光祿大夫 [Household Counsellor (Imperial Household Grandee; Counsellor of the Palace)]
- huángdì 皇帝 [Emperor]
- huánghòu 皇后 [Empress]
- huángmén lìng 黃門令 [Prefect of the Yellow Gates]
- huángmén shìláng 黃門侍郎 [Gentleman at the Yellow Gates]
- huáng tàihòu 皇太后 [Dowager (Empress-Dowager)]
- jiāngzuò dàjiang 將作大匠 [Court Architect]
- jiànyì dàfū 諫議大夫 [Counsellor Remonstrant]
- jishì huángmén 給事黄門 [Serving within the Yellow Gates]
- jishì zhōng 給事中 [Serving within the Palace]
- lìng 令 [county magistrate]
- Luòyáng lìng 洛陽令 [Prefect of Luoyang]
- lìngshǐ 令史 [Foreman Clerk]
- lù shàngshū shì 錄尚書事 [authority over the Imperial Secretariat]
- mìshū jiān 祕書監 [Custodian of the Private Library]
- mù 牧 [Governor]
- néng zhíyán 能直言 [Capable of Speaking Directly]
- púyè 僕射 [Supervisor or Deputy Director (in the Imperial Secretariat)]
- qīng 卿 [Minister]
- shàngshū 尚書 [Master of Writing] Wrote up and distributed imperial edicts.
- shàngshū lìng 尚書令 [Director of the Imperial Secretariat]
- shàngshū púyè 尚書僕射 [Deputy Director of the Secretariat]
- shìyùshǐ 侍御史 [Imperial Clerk (Attending Secretary; Secretary in Attendance)]
- shìzhōng 侍中 [Palace Attendant]
- shǒulìng 守令 [brevet magistrate]
- shǒuzhǎng 守長 [brevet magistrate]
- shǔ 屬 [Junior Clerk in the office of an Excellency (Associate)]
- tàifú 太傅 [Grand Tutor]
- tàiguān lìng 太官令 [Court Provisioner (Prefect Grand Provisioner)]
- tàishǐ lìng 太史令 [Court Astronomer (Prefect Grand Astrologer; Director of Astronomy)]
- tàishǒu 太守 [Administrator (Grand Administrator, Prefect)]
- chéng 丞 [Assistant]
- tàiyī lìng 太醫令 [Court Physician (Prefect Grand Physician; Director of the Physicians-in-Chief)]
- tàizhōng dàfū 太中大夫 [Palace Counsellor (Grand Palace Grandee; Grand Counsellor of the Palace)]
- tàizǐ 太子 [Heir (Heir-Apparent)]
- tàizǐ sherén 太子舎人 [Member of the Suite of the Heir]
- tú 徒 [Convict]
- wáng 王 [King (Prince)]
- wèishì lìng 衛士令 [Prefect of the Guards]
- wénxué 文學 [Literary Scholar/Education Officer]
- xiāng 相 [Chancellor]
- xiǎo huángmén 小黃門 [Attendant at the Yellow Gates (Junior Attendant at the Yellow Gates)]
- xiàolián 孝廉 [Filial and Incorrupt (Filially Pious and Incorrupt)]
- yèzhě 謁者 [Internuncio (Messenger)]
- yèzhě púyè 謁者僕射 [Supervisor of the Internuncios]
- yǐn 尹 [Intendant]
- Hénán yǐn 河南尹 [Intendant of Henan (Governor)]
- Jīngzhào yǐn 京兆尹 [Intendant of Jingzhao (Governor)]
- yìtíng lìng 掖庭令 [Prefect of the Lateral Courts]
- Yǒnglè shǎofǔ 永樂少府 [Steward of the Yongle Palace (Privy Treasurer)]
- yǒudào 有道 [Knowing the Way]
- yòufúfēng 右扶風 [Western Sustainer/Administrator of Youfufeng (Western Sustainer; Metropolitan Superintendent of the Right)]
- yòuxiào lìng 右校令 [Prefect of the Enclosure of the Right]
- yuàn 掾 [Senior Clerk in the Office of an Excellency (Division Head)]
- yùshǐ dàfū 御史大夫 [Imperial Counsellor (Grandee Secretary; Imperial Clerk Grandee)]
- yùshǐ zhōngchéng 御史中丞 [Assistant to the Imperial Counsellor]
- zhǎng 長 [county magistrate (Chief)]
- zhēng 正 [Director]
- zhíjié 持節 [Bearing the Staff of Authority]
- zhíjīnwú 執金吾 [Bearer of the Mace (Bearer of the Gilded Mace; Superintendent of the Capital)]
- zhìshū shìyùshǐ 治書侍御史 [Imperial Clerk Preparer of Documents]
- zhìzhōng cóngshì 治中從事 [Headquarters Officer (Attendant Clerk for the Bureau of Headquarters)]
- zhōng chángshì 中常侍 [Regular Palace Attendant]
- zhōng yèzhě 中謁者 [Palace Internuncio (Messenger)]
- zhōng huángmén rǒngcóng púyè 中黃門宂從僕射 [Supervisor of the Retinue (Supervisor of the Extra Retinue of the Palace Attendants at the Yellow Gates)]
- zhōnggōng huángmén rǒngcóng púyè 中宮黃門宂從僕射 [Supervisor of the Retinue of the Empress (Supervisor of the Extra Retinue of the Palace Attendants at the Yellow Gates)]
- zhōngsàn dàfū 中散大夫 [Attendant Counsellor (Palace Attendant Grandee)]
- zhōngwèi 中尉 [Commandant of the Capital (Superintendent of the Capital)]
- zhōngzhèng 中正 [Impartial and Just]
- zhǔbù 主簿 [Registrar (Master of Records)]
- zhùzuò láng 著作郎 [Gentleman Editor]
- zuǒ zhùzuò láng 佐著作郎 [Assistant Gentleman Editor]
- zuǒxiào lìng 左校令 [Prefect of the Enclosure of the Left]
Three Excellencies[]
Sāngōng 三公 [Three Excellencies]
- tàiwèi 太尉 [Grand Commandant]
- sīkōng 司空 [Excellency of Works]
- sītú 司徒 [Excellency over the Masses]
Nine Ministers[]
jiǔ qīng 九卿 [Nine Minister] Just below the Three Excellencies in rank.
- dà hónglú 大鴻臚 [Minister Herald (Grand Herald, Superintendent of State Visits)]
- dà sīnóng 大司農 [Minister of Finance]
- guānglùxūn 光祿勳 [Minister of the Household (Superintendent of the Imperial Household; Superintendent of the Palace)]
- shǎofǔ 少府 [Minister Steward (Privy Treasurer; Superintendent of the Lesser Treasury)]
- tàicháng 太常 [Minister of Ceremonies (Grand Minister of Ceremonies; Superintendent of Ceremonial)]
- tàipú 太僕 [Minister Coachman (Grand Coachman; Superintendent of Transport)]
- tíngwèi 廷尉 [Minister of Justice (Commandant of Justice; Superintendent of Trials)]
- wèiwèi 衛尉 [Minister of the Guards]
- zōng zhèng 宗正 [Minister of the Imperial Clan (Director of the Imperial Clan; Superintendent)]
- cǎinǚ 采女 [Chosen Lady]
- cáirén 才人 [Lady of Talent]
- chǎng gōngzhǔ 長公主 [Senior Princess]
- fūrén 夫人 [Senior Concubine]
- gōngzhǔ 公主 [Princess]
- guìrén 貴人 [Honoured Lady (Honourable Lady)]
- guìpín 貴嬪 [Honoured Concubine]
- huánghòu 皇后 [Empress]
- huáng tàihòu 皇太后 [Dowager (Empress-Dowager)]
- jī 姬 [Junior Concubine]
- jūn 君 [Lady (with a fief)]
- liángrén 良人 [Sweet Lady]
- měirén 美人 [Beauty (Beautiful Lady)]
- nǚ shàngshū 女尚書 [Mistress of Writing (Female Master of Writing)]
- qiè 妾 [Concubine]
- rónghuá 容華 [Elegant Lady]
- tàifēi 太妃 [Consort Dowager]
- tàihuáng tàihòu 太皇太后 [Grand Dowager (Grand Empress-Dowager)]
- zhāohuá 昭華 [Lady of Bright Loveliness]
- zhāoyí 昭儀 [Brilliant Companion]
- bóshì 博士 [Academician]
- láng 郎 [Gentleman/Gentleman Cadet]
- lángzhōng 郎中 [Gentleman of the Palace]
- màocái 茂才 [Abundant Talent]
- hóu 侯 [marquis (noble/nobility)]
- jié 節 [Staff of Authority]
- jìjiǔ 祭酒 [Libationer]
- dōujiǎng jìjiǔ 都講祭酒 [Expositor and Libationer]
- xiùcái 秀才 [Flourishing Talent]
- yìláng 議郎 [Consultant]
- wúshàng jiàngjūn 無上將軍 [General Supreme]
Currently unlisted titles, that (hopefully) one day will be placed upwards somewhere.
- qīngshānglìng 清商令 [Director of Imperial Music Troupe]
- qīngshāngchéng 清商丞 [Vice Director of Imperial Music Troupe]
- Huángménjiān 黃門監 [Director of the Yellow Gates]
- sànjí chángshì 散騎常侍 [Cavalier Attendant-in-Ordinary]
- sànjí shìláng 散骑侍郎 [Cavalier Gentleman-in-Attendance]
- zhōnghùjūn 中護軍 [Military Protector of the Palace]
- zhōngshūlìng 中書令 [Secretariat Director]
- fǔjūn dà jiàngjūn 撫軍大將軍 [Vice General-in-Chief]
- yǒngníng shǔlìng 永寧署令 [Director of Empress Dowager’s Palace]
- rǒngcóng púyè 冗從僕射 [Director of Imperial Attendants] short for 中宮黃門宂從僕射
- guān’gé lìngshǐ 觀閣令史 [Foreman Clerk of Imperial Archives]
- zhōngshū láng 中書郎 [Gentleman of the Palace Writers]
- tàizǐ zhōng shùzǐ 太子中庶子 [Palace Cadet of the Heir Apparent]
- shàngshū láng 尚書郎 [Gentleman of the Masters of Writing]
- fǔjūn dà jiàngjūn 撫軍大將軍 [General-in-Chief Who Pacifies the Army]
- zhèndōng dà jiàngjūn 鎮東大將軍 [General-in-Chief Who Guards the East]
- ↑ GJCM notes: we came up with, or compiled this translation ourselves. This is not an "official" translation by a historian.
- Cutter, Robert Joe and William Gordon Crowell. Empresses and Consorts - Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States with Pei Songzhi's Commentary. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999.
- de Crespigny, Rafe. A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23 - 220 AD). Leiden: BRILL, 2007.
- Fang, Achilles. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1952. 2 vols.
- —. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms. Vol. II. Harvard University Press, 1965. 2 vols.
- de Crespigny, Rafe. Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling. Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1989.