Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

The Yibu qijiu zhuan 益部耆舊傳 (Accounts of Venerable Men and Ancient Affairs of Yi Division) was a Chinese text written by Chen Shou 陳壽.[2]

Bits of information[]

The author Chen Shou lived from 233 to 297 and is also the author of the Records of the Three Kingdoms.

The Yibu qijiu zhuan was originally 10 pian 篇 long.[1] 'Pian' refers to a part of a larger text, such as a chapter, but also an article. The Book of Sui mentions this text, but says it has only 11 juan 卷 of it.[1] A juan is commonly translated into 'chapter' and is always 'smaller' than a pian; a pian can consist of juan, but not vice versa.

Currently, only 1 juan of this text survives,[1] along with eleven citings by Pei Songzhi in Records of the Three Kingdoms, which you can read below.

Pei Songzhi also cited a Yibu qijiu zhuan zaji by one Chen Shu 陳術. Chen Shu was writing in the first half of the 3rd century. An older contemporary of Chen Shou. Due to the title of their work being very similar some of its content may have been extracted from one another.

Fragments in Records of the Three Kingdoms[]

Book of Shu 1 - Biography of Liu Yan[]

  1. 陳壽《益部耆舊傳》曰:董扶字茂安。少從師學,兼通數經,善歐陽尚書,又事聘士楊厚,究極圖讖。遂至京師,游覽太學,還家講授,弟子自遠而至。永康元年,日有蝕之,詔舉賢良方正之士,策問得失。左馮翊趙謙等舉扶,扶以病不詣,遙於長安上封事,遂稱疾篤歸家。前後宰府十辟,公車三徵,再舉賢良方正、博士、有道皆不就,名稱尤重。大將軍何進表薦扶曰:「資游、夏之德,述孔氏之風,內懷焦、董消復之術。方今并、涼騷擾,西戎蠢叛,宜勑公車特召,待以異禮,諮謀奇策。」於是靈帝徵扶,即拜侍中。在朝稱為儒宗,甚見器重。求為蜀郡屬國都尉。扶出一歲而靈帝崩,天下大亂。後去官,年八十二卒于家。始扶發辭抗論,益部少雙,故號曰致止,言人莫能當,所至而談止也。後丞相諸葛亮問秦宓以扶所長,宓曰:「董扶襃秋毫之善,貶纖芥之惡。」
  2. Chen Shou’s Accounts of Venerable Men and Ancient Affairs of Yi Division says: “Dong Fu, style name Mao'an 茂安. In his youth, he studied with teachers and became versed in several classics simultaneously. He was fond of the Ouyang 歐陽 school of the Shang shu 尚書 and also served the invited scholar (pin shi 聘士) Yang Hou 楊厚 (72-153) and thoroughly investigated prognostication texts. Subsequently, he went to the capital and visited the Academy. He returned home to expound and teach, and his disciples came from afar. In the first year of the Yongkang 永康 reign period (167/168) there was a solar eclipse. An edict called for recommendations of the capable and good and sincere and upright and examined them on the successes and failures of the government. Eastern Supporter (zuo pingyi 左馮翊) Zhao Qian 趙謙, and others recommended Dong Fu. Dong did not come because of illness. While still far away from Chang’an, he submitted a sealed memorial, then pleading that his illness was severe, he returned home. He was appointed ten times by the chancellor’s office, an official carriage was sent to summon him three times, and he was repeatedly recommended as capable and good and sincere and upright, as an erudit, and as a possessor of the Way (you dao 有道), but he never went. His reputation became extremely distinguished.
    “General-in-chief He Jin submitted a memorial recommending Dong Fu, which said: ‘Dong embodies the virtues of You 游 and Xia 夏, and he transmits the teachings of Confucius. Internally he cherishes the ‘eradicate and restore’ techniques of Jiao Yanshou 焦延壽 [fl. 50 B.C.] and Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 [176-104 B.C.]. Just now Bing and Liang Provinces are in turmoil, and the Western Jung 戎 are rebellious. You should specially order an official carriage to summon him, treat him with exceptional courtesy, and devise and plan superior strategies with him.’ Thereupon, Emperor Ling summoned Dong Fu and appointed him palace attendant. At court he was praised as a master scholar, and he was regarded with immense reverence. He asked to be made chief commandant of dependent states (shu guo duwei 屬國都尉) for Shu commandery. A year after Fu had gone to his post, Emperor Ling died, and the empire fell into great chaos. He subsequently left office and died at home at the age of eighty-two. At the beginning, there were few people in Yi province who could match Fu at advocacy and debate. Consequently, he was given the nickname ‘Stops on Arrival,’ which meant that since none could match him, when he arrived somewhere, conversation stopped. Later Chancellor Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 (181-234) asked Qin Mi 秦宓 about Fu's strengths. Mi replied, ‘Dong Fu praised even the slightest good and disparaged the minutest evil.”[3]

Book of Shu 8 - Biography of Xu Jing[]

  1. 《益州耆舊傳》曰:商字文表,廣漢人,以才學稱,聲問著於州里。劉璋辟為治中從事。是時王塗隔絕,州之牧伯猶七國之諸侯也,而璋懦弱多疑,不能黨信大臣。商奏記諫璋,璋頗感悟。初,韓遂與馬騰作亂關中,數與璋父焉交通信,至騰子超復與璋相聞,有連蜀之意。商謂璋曰:「超勇而不仁,見得不思義,不可以為脣齒。老子曰:『國之利器,不可以示人。』今之益部,土美民豐,寶物所出,斯乃狡夫所欲傾覆,超等所以西望也。若引而近之,則由養虎,將自遺患矣。」璋從其言,乃拒絕之。荊州牧劉表及儒者宋忠咸聞其名,遺書與商切致殷勤。許靖號為臧否,至蜀,見商而稱之曰:「設使商生於華夏,雖王景興無以加也。」璋以商為蜀郡太守。成都禽堅有至孝之行,商表其墓,追贈孝廉。又與嚴君平、李弘立祠作銘,以旌先賢。脩學廣農,百姓便之。在郡十載,卒於官,許靖代之。

Book of Shu 8 - Biography of Qin Mi[]

  1. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:安,廣漢人。少事聘士楊厚,究極圖籍,游覽京師,還家講授,與董扶俱以學行齊聲。郡請功曹,州辟治中別駕,終不乆居。舉孝廉茂才,太尉載辟,除博士,公車徵,皆稱疾不就。州牧劉焉表薦安味精道度,厲節高邈,揆其器量,國之元寶,宜處弼疑之輔,以消非常之咎。玄纁之禮,所宜招命。王塗隔塞,遂無聘命。年七十九,建安七年卒,門人慕仰,為立碑銘。後丞相亮問秦宓以安所長,宓曰:「記人之善,忘人之過。」

Book of Shu 12 - Biography of Qiao Zhou[]

  1. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:益州刺史董榮圖畫周像於州學,命從事李通頌之曰:「抑抑譙侯,好古述儒,寶道懷真,鑒世盈虛,雅名美迹,終始是書。我后欽賢,無言不譽,攀諸前哲,丹青是圖。嗟爾來葉,鋻茲顯模。」

Book of Shu 13 - Biography of Ma Zhong[]

  1. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:張表,肅子也。

Book of Shu 13 - Biography of Zhang Ni (張嶷)[]

  1. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:嶷出自孤微,而少有通壯之節。
  2. The Accounts of Venerable Men and Ancient Affairs of Yi Division states: Ni came from orphaned and poor origins, but when young had generous and strong character.[4]
  3. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:嶷受兵三百人,隨馬忠討叛羌。嶷別督數營在先,至他里。邑所在高峻,嶷隨山立上四五里。羌於要厄作石門,於門上施牀,積石於其上,過者下石槌擊之,無不糜爛。嶷度不可得攻,乃使譯告曉之曰:「汝汶山諸種反叛,傷害良善,天子命將討滅惡類。汝等若稽顙過軍,資給糧費,福祿永隆,其報百倍。若終不從,大兵致誅,雷擊電下,雖追悔之,亦無益也。」耆帥得命,即出詣嶷,給糧過軍。軍前討餘種,餘種聞他里已下,悉恐怖失所,或迎軍出降,或奔竄山谷,放兵攻擊,軍以克捷。後南夷劉冑又反,以馬忠為督庲降討冑,嶷復屬焉,戰鬬常冠軍首,遂斬冑。平南事訖,䍧牱興古獠種復反,忠令嶷領諸營往討,嶷內招降得二千人,悉傳詣漢中。
  4. The Accounts of Venerable Men and Ancient Affairs of Yi Division states: Ni received troops and horses three hundred men, and followed Ma Zhong in suppressing the rebelling Qiang. Ni had a separate command of several battalions at the front, and arrived at Tali. The location of the village was high and steep. Ni climbed the mountains and set up camp four to five li high. The Qiang at a critical pass built a stone gate, atop the gate set a platform, and gathered stones atop it, so that any who tried to pass they would throw stones and strike them, and none were not destroyed and torn. Ni judged that they could not be attacked, so he sent an interpreter to inform them: “All you tribes of Wen mountain have rebelled and done harm to the innocent, and Heaven’s Son ordered us to at once to suppress and destroy the evil. If you all bow your heads and permit the army to pass, giving provisions and supplies, then you will enjoy good fortune and eternal prosperity and will be repaid a hundredfold. If to the end you do not obey, the great [main] army will arrive and execute you, like a lightning bolt striking down, and though you may repent then, it will do you no good.” When the elder leaders received this command, they at once went out to meet with Ni, gave provisions and let the army pass. The army advanced to attack all the tribes. When all the tribes heard that Tali had already fallen, they were all terrified and confused. Some welcomed the army and went out to surrender. Some fled away into the valleys. The soldiers were sent out to attack, and the army was triumphant. Later the southern foreigner Liu Zhuu again rebelled, and Ma Zhong was appointed Commander of Laijiang to suppress Zhou, with Ni again under his command, and [Zhang Ni] always led the army at the head, and thereupon beheaded Zhou. When the pacification of the south was finished, in Zangke and Xinggu [commandery] Liao tribes again revolted. Ma Zhong ordered Ni to command all the battalions to go suppress them. Ni also internally enticed surrenders and obtained two thousand men, who were all transferred to Hanzhong.[4]
  5. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:時車騎將軍夏侯霸謂嶷曰:「雖與足下踈闊,然託心如舊,宜明此意。」嶷荅曰:「僕未知子,子未知我,大道在彼,何云託心乎!願三年之後徐陳斯言。」有識之士以為美談。
  6. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:嶷風溼固疾,至都寖篤,扶杖然後能起。李簡請降,衆議狐疑,而嶷曰必然。姜維之出,時論以嶷初還,股疾不能在行中,由是嶷自乞肆力中原,致身敵庭。臨發,辭後主曰:「臣當值聖明,受恩過量,加以疾病在身,常恐一朝隕沒,辜負榮遇。天不違願,得豫戎事。若涼州克定,臣為藩表守將;若有未捷,殺身以報。」後主慨然為之流涕。
  7. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:余觀張嶷儀貌辭令,不能駭人,而其策略足以入筭,果烈足以立威,為臣有忠誠之節,處類有亮直之風,而動必顧典,後主深崇之。雖古之英士,何以遠踰哉!

Book of Shu 15 - Biography of Zhang Yi (張翼)[]

  1. 《益部耆舊傳》曰:浩字叔明,治律、春秋,游學京師,與廣漢鐔粲、漢中李郃、蜀郡張霸共結為友善。大將軍鄧隲辟浩,稍遷尚書僕射,出為彭城相,薦隱士閭丘邈等,徵拜廷尉。延光三年,安帝議廢太子,唯浩與太常桓焉、太僕來歷議以為不可。順帝初立,拜浩司空,年八十三卒。

See also[]


  • In the Book of Shu 8 a Yizhou qijiu zhuan 益州耆舊傳 is quoted. This seems to be a miswriting for Yibu 益部.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 de Crespigny. “Index of Books and Writers quoted in the P'ei Sung-chih commentary to San-kuo chih” in The Records of the Three Kingdoms.
  2. Chen Shou. "Book of Shu 1" in Records of the Three Kingdoms, cited by Pei Songzhi.
  3. Crowell, Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu Fascicle One: “The Two Shepherds Liu”.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "jiuyangda", biography of Zhang Ni. Retrieved from Xuesanguo: xuesanguo.tumblr.com.


  • Chen Shou 陳壽 (233–297). Sanguo zhi 三國志 “Records of the Three Kingdoms”, with official commentary compiled by Pei Songzhi 裴松之 (372-451).
  • Cutter, Robert Joe and William Gordon Crowell. Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu. Fascicle 1. www.academia.edu, 2005. 3 Fascicles.
  • de Crespigny, Rafe. The Records of the Three Kingdoms: a study in the historiography of San-kuo chih. Canberra: The Australian National University, 1970.
  • "jiuyangda". Xuesanguo <xuesanguo.tumblr.com>.